Save Your Spaces Festival
Festival Flyer from Year One: 2022

Save Your Spaces Festival– May 16- 18, 2025
In 2022, Save Your Spaces, a community-located preservation festival launched with the idea to empower community members to engage in efforts to identify, create, and implement projects centered on and within a community. With broad goals, these projects could be advocacy-oriented to save historical legacies, organized to tell fuller, richer, and more diverse historical narratives, and center those with lived experiences including individuals who are most proximate to sites, history, events, and memory. Engaging community members who are rooted in these geographies are our best resources for inaccuracy, multi-perspective, and complicated retellings.
We hosted a second dynamic festival in 2023. Once again people who attended were able to take time to engage one another and have grounding and supportive discussions. For 2025, we want to host a Save Your Spaces festival to assist community members in achieving their goals by facing the harsh social and political moments with a renewed sense of what is possible. We are the preservers of our communities. We are the collective fire of memory and together we will fortify our skills by coming together– Let’s Rise!
Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.
~ bell hooks
May 16- Film Festival
Location TBD
To submit a film:
May 17- Festival
Location: Create ATL, 900 Murphy Ave SW, Atlanta, GA30010
To be a presenter, workshop lead, host a table, or share your idea sign up here!
May 18- Community Activation
To host an activation: Share your idea with us.
More information coming soon! Sign up for our newsletter!
Art Submission
Art Submissions are being accepted for Save Your Spaces Gallery!
Our festival theme is: Rise Up! Preserving the Future
Save Your Spaces is a skillshare to equip, inspire, and activate the everyday person to preserve culture, history, narratives- grounding in a place, embodied experiences and practices, and extending care towards our kinfolk.
We will accept up to 10-15 pieces. Any medium. The exhibit will at least partially be installed outdoors. If electricity is needed, design a sustainable option.
Submission due: May 14th. An art show will be on Sunday, May 18th during the community activations! Location: TBD