Leadership Training with Civil Bikes
Last Saturday was our first big training! We are off to a good start with 9 new team members. One of the most important and challenging aspects of being a leader is introducing yourself. It sounds easy but when speaking to a group of students or seniors or travelers who really want to know who you are, why you think these stories and spaces are so important, why are once overlooked communities all the rage and what should be done for the neighborhoods and the people who live there; your self-introduction becomes a statement and not only tells who you are but what about your story ties you to the ones you’re telling. This is how our morning began.

Nourishment from Jyotsna! Helped us get through the afternoon hours with more energy.

During the second half of the training. Everyone either worked in a group or prepared alone, a presentation using primary documents about a person, event, or building. They didn’t need to use any knowledge outside of what was in front of them. Engaging an audience, be it a person of one or many, comes from our own sense of what creates connection. And connection is the most important aspect of being a leader.